陳詠燊 Sunny Chan Wing Sun (編劇Scriptwriter)
Funeral March

富家女君兒患上重病,出價二十萬找小段替自己在美國安排葬禮。結果 君兒在他的鼓勵下再次重燃求生意志,戰勝病魔,小段只希望能多活一 刻。當年初涉影壇的阿Sa(蔡卓妍)首次擔當女主角,演出清新可人, 與陳奕迅扮演另類殯儀經紀,情節賺人熱淚。得力於陳詠燊清新而深情 的劇本下,馬偉豪在《常在我心》裡尋回愛情小品的原始味道。(放映 時間共117分鐘)

Suffering from cancer, Yee hires undertaker Duan to plan her funeral services. The dour young woman is originally resigned to die, but Duan’s support slowly inspires her to fight her illness. Helped by Sunny Chan’s affecting script, which takes a turn for the serious amid a string of comedies, Joe Ma mines a minor gem in this beautifully lensed terminal illness drama that sidesteps the cliches of the genre with subtle storytelling and understated, affecting performances from pop-stars Eason Chan and Charlene Choi, here making her leading lady debut. (Total Running Time: 117min)

香港 Hong Kong / 2001 / 彩色 Colour / 97 min
粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles
導演 Dir: 馬偉豪 Joe Ma 編劇 Scr: 陳詠燊Chan Wing Sun, Sunny
主演 Cast: 陳奕迅 Eason Chan, 蔡卓妍 Charlene Choi

轉生 Metempsychosis

《常在我心》的小感動,編劇陳詠燊居功不少。《転転生》大玩無痛失 戀,Jin光顧洗腦服務,可以將愛情回憶一筆勾消﹖無論記得與不記得,Jin 才發現自己其實不捨得……

A journey into the temporal by FUNERAL MARCH writer Sunny Chan. K owns a video game store but what he sells is brainwashing. Jin comes in to recover a deleted memory, but all that can be retrieved are incomplete recollections of a girl named Ona and a place called “Smoke Factory.”

香港 Hong Kong / 2000 / 彩色 Colour / 20 min
粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles
導演 Dir: 吳煒倫 Jack Ng Wai Lun 編劇 Scr: 陳詠燊Chan Wing Sun, Sunny


25/10 / 11:30am / bc