黃金濤Gary Wong (剪接Editor)
Tongzhi in Love

做同志難,做「同志」中的同志,更是難上加難。當下中國正 發生著巨大的變化,奧斯卡得獎紀錄片導演楊紫燁探討內地男 同性戀者這一邊緣群體,在都市生活的誘惑和中國傳統倫理 價值之間面臨的衝突。“青蛙”、龍澤、向風等同志生活在北 京,享受著大都市對他們特殊身份的相對寬容。然而,傳統倫理的約束仍然無處不在,男同性戀者深受身份認同與結婚生子 的雙重壓力,更是舉步維艱,被迫過著雙面人生的生活。(放映 時間共65分鐘)

There’s no society where it’s easy to be gay, but to be gay in China is to collide with the honor-bound duty of Chinese sons to produce a child and carry forward the family line. Oscar-winning documentary filmmaker Ruby Yang explores that very dilemma in TONGZHI IN LOVE. Torn between the lure of big city life and the stern demands of Chinese tradition, three young men living in cosmopolitan Beijing revel in the freedom that it affords them. But does their happiness come at the expense of their parents? Can they be gay, and still be good sons? (Total Running Time: 65min)

美國 USA / 2008 / 彩色 Colour / 30 min 國語、英語對白,英文字幕 In Mandarin, English with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 楊紫燁 Ruby Yang
剪接 Ed: 黃金濤Gary Wong

Official Selection, San Francisco International Film Festival 2009
Official Selection, Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival 2009


《殺人犯》導演周顯揚學生時代作品《回》,描寫祖母與孫兒一次回鄉, 二人在途中遇上意外,卻讓孫兒經歷一段如夢似幻的生命之旅。中國影史 頭號經典《小城之春》女主角韋偉主演。黃金濤的剪接參考了基阿魯斯 達米的《風再起時》,頗有其不著痕跡之妙。

MURDERER director Roy Chow Hin Yeung’s 2002 student short film RETOUR stars Wei Wei, the female lead of all-time Chinese classic film SPRING IN A SMALL TOWN. When a grandma takes her grandchild on a trip visiting their homeland, an accident en route teaches the boy a lesson on life. Reminiscent of Abbas Kiarostami’s THE WIND WILL CARRY US, Gary Wong’s subtle editing adds a sublime quality to the film.

香港 Hong Kong / 2002 / 彩色 Colour / 35 min
粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles
導演 Dir: 周顯揚 Roy Chow Hin Yeung
剪接 Ed: 黃金濤Gary Wong

24/10 / 9:45pm / ifc