譚國明Stanley Tam (剪接 Editor) /
林志堅Charlie Lam (攝影Cinematographer)


《出埃及記》源自舊約聖經,落在導演彭浩翔手上,繼《大丈夫》和《 公主復仇記》後進一步推至女人向男人復仇的奇情電影。從一次偷聽女 廁的對話而開始,揭發由女人組織發起的殲滅全世界男人計劃,任達 華、劉心悠、張家輝及久休復出的溫碧霞上陣,鹿逐情場並來一場殺傷 力極大的兩性戰爭。譚國明的俐落剪接與老拍檔林志堅的嫻熟攝影,為 影片增加了可觀性。(放映時間共141分鐘)

Taking the “battle of the sexes” concept to an almost absurdist’s level, Pang Ho Cheung throws out an outlandish premise, and challenges both his protagonist and the audience into amused belief. A black comedy, suspense thriller, and mid-life crisis drama all rolled into one, EXODUS revolves around a middle-aged desk cop (Simon Yam) who stumbles upon a shocking secret: there’s a ring of women conspiring to murder men. Stanley Tam’s rhythm editing and Charlie Lam’s polished photography bring a slick outlook to the film. (Total Running Time: 141min)

香港 Hong Kong / 2007 / 彩色 Colour / 94 min
粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles
導演 Dir: 彭浩翔 Pang Ho-cheung
剪接 Ed: 譚國明 Stanley Tam 攝影 Photo: 林志堅 Charlie Lam
主演 Cast: 任達華 Simon Yam, 劉心悠 Annie Liu, 張家輝 Nick Cheung

動物樂園 Zoological Eden

陳慧的文字,譚國明首部劇情長片《七月好風》拍出纖巧細膩感。他在學 生時期從愛與暴力作出發點作窺探的《動物樂園》,由盤古初開的人類與 動物發展至移民上太空,創意爆燈。

EXODUS editor Stanley Tam premiered his directorial debut BREEZE OF JULY at the 4th HKAFF in 2007. Jumping a decade back, his intriguing 1999 short is a story about animals, a story about love and violence, and a story about humans migrating from one planet to another.

香港 Hong Kong / 1999 / 彩色 Colour / 10 min
粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles
導演 Dir: 譚國明 Stanley Tam

心渡 Crossing

《出埃及記》的冷眼旁觀,林志堅的攝影態度早已領教過,前作《心渡》 也獲攝影界一致認同。一牆之隔,加深公屋父子之間的隔閡,沉迷攝影的 兒子在尋父的旅程也找回自己……

A father and son live under the same roof but never spend time together. One day the father suddenly disappears. While searching for his father, the son finds himself as well. Lensed by EXODUS cinematographer Charlie Lam, CROSSING was screened at Cannes, Pusan, and other international festivals.

香港 Hong Kong / 2000 / 彩色 Colour / 37 min
粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles
導演 Dir: 翁志武 Yung Chi Mo 攝影 Photo: 林志堅 Charlie Lam

Top Honours, Kodak Cinematography Competition 2001

28/10 / 9:30pm / apm