莫美華May Mok (音響設計Sound Designer)

05康城競賽電影,榮獲香港電影金像獎四項殊榮,杜琪峰的《黑 社會》揭開香港「黑社會」神秘面紗,以最平實的手法,將鏡頭 直指向一個原本三百年前義士組織,幾經時代變遷中的變質,令 人性不斷被權力與慾望所侵噬。梁家輝再次封帝,與任達華、張 家輝、林家棟、古天樂、林雪等「杜氏」實力派演員班底合演。 莫美華的音響設計使影片倍收驚心動魄之效。(放映時間共127分 鐘)

Johnnie To offers a very different take on the triad genre in ELECTION (2005). Winner of Best Film, Best Director, Best Screenplay, and Best Actor at the 25th Hong Kong Film Awards. The film features powerhouse performances from Simon Yam and Tony Leung Ka Fai as two rival leaders in a fierce fight for power within the biggest triad society in Hong Kong. Complicated politics, realistic portrayal of gangsters as human beings, in-depth depiction of human nature, and allusions to the contemporary Hong Kong political landscape makes this more than just another triad movie. May Mok’s powerful sound design contributes effectively to the shocking impact of the film. (Total Running Time: 127min)

香港 Hong Kong / 2005 / 彩色 Colour / 100 min
粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese & English subtitles
導演 Dir: 杜琪峰 Johnnie To
主演 Cast: 任達華 Simon Yam, 梁家輝 Tony Leung Ka Fai, 古天樂 Louis Koo

2005康城影展競賽作品 Official Competition, Cannes Film Festival 2005
Best Picture & Best Director, Hong Kong Film Awards 2006
2006 臺灣金馬獎最佳音響效果
Best Sound Effects, Golden Horse Film Awards 2005

剎那 Snapshots


Before the award-winning GEGE, Yan Yan Mak already showed promise as a filmmaker with her 1998 student short film SNAPSHOTS. People may come and go in your life, but somehow they all leave a trace somewhere in your heart.


22/10 / 9:30pm / ifc