
第六代導演管虎蟄伏五年之作,笑匠黃渤力挺恩師,與《大灌 籃》閆妮再度聯手演繹「紅色幽默」喜劇。不是為石頭,不再是賽車,黃渤今次要搞定的是一頭牛!農民牛二為了保守被日軍屠 村後只剩下的一頭奶牛「八路牛」,與國民黨、日本人、土匪、 難民周旋到底,直至抗戰的最後勝利。人與牛相濡以沫的錯位喜劇,情節比《瘋狂》更荒誕離奇,笑中猜淚悟出大時代的悲情。 《鬥牛》闖入威尼斯地平線新天地,見證活著真好的簡單道理。

One man, one COW, together against the world. Sixth Generation director Guan Hu’s first feature in five years revolves around a Shandong peasant assigned to care for the village cow during the Sino-Japanese War. Even after the entire village gets wiped out, he stubbornly continues the task, protecting his dear companion from Japanese soldiers, opportunistic thugs and hungry refugees alike. CRAZY STONE funnyman Huang Bo milks both humor and tragedy in this blockbuster black comedy based on a local oral legend.

中國China / 2009 / 彩色 Colour / 98 min
國語對白,英文字幕 In Mandarin with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 管虎 Guan Hu
主演 Cast: 黃渤Huang Bo,閆妮 Yan Ni

Official Selection, Venice International Film Festival 2009


18/10 / 1:35pm / ifc
26/10 / 9:55pm / bc