Finding Her

被譽為台灣最具詩意新銳女導演的鄭芬芬(《沉睡的青春》 hkaff2007),擅長以奇思異想的方式呈現生活,揣摩現代社會 的人情冷暖。一個為愛尋死的援交少女,意外串連了「救活」 過無數封「死信」的神奇郵差鄭明以及鬱鬱寡歡的高中女生方 瑜。在網路科技支配生活的時代,人與人之間的溝通卻愈形疏 離。導演透過一封封歷經波折才寄達的信件,喚起我們最原始 的情感需求,並且提醒我們,人際間的情感網路也需要悉心經 營,就如郵差穿梭於大街小巷一般。

Taiwan director Cheng Fen-fen is celebrated for her insight into the distant human relationships typical of modern society. In her latest film FINDING HER, the suicide of an underage prostitute inadvertently connects a forlorn teenage girl and a postman who has saved numerous dead-end mails. In the era of the Internet and cell phones, the gap between people is still growing larger. Cheng shows us the solution, that emotional connections between people have to be established the way the postman delivers letters - despite any obstacles.

台灣 Taiwan / 2008 / 彩色 Colour / 92 min
國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese & English subtitles
導演 Dir: 鄭芬芬 Cheng Fen-fen
主演 Cast: 庹宗華 Tuo Zhong-hua, 鄭宜農 Cheng Yi-nong, 黃姵嘉 Huang Pei-chia

18/10 / 7:45pm / ifc
23/10 / 9:45pm / apm