
德里,是古老傳統和現代化相互結合的城市,宗教、旅遊、文 化、貧富懸殊和階級門檻共為一體。美籍Roshan回德里探望垂死 的外婆,眼見印度教、回教徒一家親,但種族宗教的街頭衝突仍 然無日無之;當國家經濟三級跳,以百萬計活在垃圾山的窮人生 活,越窮越見鬼。《一百萬零一夜》炒熱貧民窟,導演Mehra只 想說自身經歷,以郵政編碼「DELHI-6」搭通德里天地線,寫出這 個郵區內的人情味,如何抗拒急速改變的社會,過程中有喜亦有 悲,當然不忘跳番拍舞。

DELHI-6 refers to the postal code of the ancient walled city of Delhi, where America-raised Roshan brings his ailing grandmother Annapurna, who’s seeking to spend her last days on native soil. This is Roshan’s first journey to India, and he finds himself enchanted by Delhi – its smells and sights, religious tensions, and class differences alternately enlightening, disturbing and delighting him. Director Rakesh Omprakash Mehra reportedly drew from his own personal experiences to weave this sprawling and multifaceted tale that is nothing less than a portrait of India’s modern soul.

印度 India / 2009 / 彩色 Color / 140 min
北印度語、英語對白,英文字幕 In Hindi, English with English subtitles
導演 Dir: Rakesh Omprakash Mehra
主演 Cast: Abhishek Bachchan, Waheeda Rehman, Sonam Kapoor, Rishi Kapoor

Official Selection, Horizon, Venice International Film Festival 2009


15/10 / 9:35pm / apm
21/10 / 9:30pm / bc