Jamila and the President

印尼女導演Ratna Sarumpaet是個社運活躍份子,積極為邊緣社群發 聲,在蘇哈托掌權的時代曾多次被捕。四年前UNICEF委託她研究 印尼猖獗的人口販賣情況,她將搜集得來的個案拍成舞台劇,其後再親自改編成電影。妓女Jamila殺了一名高級官員後自首,被判 終身監禁,事件震驚全國。獄長Ria揭開Jamila的身世:她小時候因 家境貧窮被賣給人口販子,繼而淪為雛妓。更可怕的是Jamila的 悲劇在印尼只屬冰山一角。

Four years ago, acclaimed Indonesia theater director and activist Ratna Sarumpaet was assigned by UNICEF to conduct a research on woman trafficking in her country. The stories she gathered were developed into a play and subsequently adapted into a film. JAMILA AND THE PRESIDENT tells the tragic story of Jamila, a prostitute who is serving a life sentence behind bars after admitting to the kiling of a high-ranking minister. The controversy rocks the country, and the prison warden reveals that Jamila was but one of the millions of children who have been sold in the name of poverty.

印尼 Indonesia / 2009 / 彩色 Colour / 97 min
印尼語對白,英文字幕 In Bahasa Indonesia with English subtitles
導演 Dir: Ratna Sarumpaet
主演 Cast: Atiqah Hasiholan, Christine Hakim, Fauzi Badilah

18/10 / 6:10pm / bc
23/10 / 8:00pm / ifc