Flowers of the Sky (Akasa Kusum)

天下間的娛樂圈,都是一樣的遊戲規則。本片由「斯里蘭卡汪阿 姐」Malini Fonseka飾演曾叱吒影壇、可惜年華老去、今日已名利雙 失、淪為過氣奀星的Rani,單靠出租家中套房作時鐘酒店來幫補生 計。當紅女星Shalika摸上門租房,只為方便與男藝人闢室偷歡。豈 料好事遭老公撞破,Shalika偷食醜聞及隨之而來的報道卻益了包租 婆Rani,令她鹹魚翻生!不過,Rani卻因此要面對自己掩藏多年的 一個不能說的秘密……

Sri Lankan director Prasanna Vithanage turns the camera back on the world of filmmaking in his daring tale about Sandhya Rani, an aging film star who now lives quietly in obscurity. She ekes out a living by renting out a room in her home to the popular young film star, Shalika, who uses the room to carry on an affair with a young actor. When Shalika’s infidelity is unmasked by her husband, the scandal and its publicity forces Rani into the limelight again, but that threatens to expose a dark secret she thought she had buried forever.

斯里蘭卡 Sri Lanka / 2008 / 彩色 Color / 90 min
僧伽羅語對白,英文字幕 In Sinhala with English subtitles
導演 Dir: Prasanna Vithanage
主演 Cast: Malini Fonseka, Nimmi Haragama, Dilhani Ekanayake

Official Selection, Pusan International Film Festival 2008
Official Selection, Montreal Film Festival 2009


18/10 / 8:05pm / bc
24/10 / 5:55pm / ifc