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Screenings 放映詳情:
(1) 9:40 pm, 10 September, Palace IFC
9月10日下午9時40分 Palace IFC
(2) 2:45 pm, 12 September, Broadway Cinematheque
9月12日下午2時45分 百老匯電影中心

Online ticket sales begin on 2 August

A character driven story, Apron Strings explores the fine line between nurture and control that marks mother-son relationships across cultures.

Set against the backdrop of Auckland’s multi-cultural southern suburbs, Apron Strings is a parallel story of two families and two cultures. It grapples with the boundaries of nurture and control, mothering and smothering, and how we sometimes have to let go of our individual sense of what is ‘right’, to do what is ‘good’ for all.

At the heart of the film are three women whose lives and livelihoods revolve around food. Lorna in her old fashioned cake-shop; Tara in her no-frills curry-house; and Anita on her stylish Indian cooking show.

About the Film and the Director
Apron Strings is a long awaited debut feature for Vaele Sima Urale. The social issues raised by the film, as it examines the tender and yet incredibly complex relationship between mother and child, are issues that everyone can relate to. It skillfully deals with issues of racism, homophobia and denial without preaching or turning sappy.

Director Vaele Sima Urale has won national and international awards for her films, which explore social and political issues. Having written and directed her own films, as well as documentaries and music videos, she has more than 15 years experience in the industry. Her accolades include the Silver Lion for Best Short Film at the Venice Film Festival for O Tamaiti (The Children) (1996).

Vaele Sima Urale on Apron Strings: “I was gripped by the story, its characters and the social issues which were raised. It also gave me a wonderful opportunity to explore the richness and cultural diversity that this story explored.”

Director: Vaele Sima Urale
Writers: Shuchi Kothari and Dianne Taylor
: Laila Rouass, Scott Wills, Jennifer Ludlam, Nathan Whitaker, Leela Patel, Jodie Rimmer
Year: 2008
Language: English with Chinese subtitles
Duration: 89 mins
Category: IIB

Festival – Highlight
Qantas Film and Television Awards 2009 - Best Lead Actor, Best Lead Actress, Best Cinematography, Best Production Design





導演維莉森瑪‧姚魯探討社會及政治問題的電影作品,贏得了不少國內外獎項。她擁有十五年以上的製作經驗,自編自導短片、紀錄片、音樂錄像。她最負盛名的作品包括贏得威尼斯電影節最佳短片銀獅獎的孩子們(O Tamaiti, 1996)。


級數 : IIB
