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Screenings 放映詳情:
(1) 9:50 pm, 4 September, Palace IFC
9月4日下午9時50分 Palace IFC
(2) 4:30 pm, 12 September, Broadway Cinematheque
9月12日下午4時30分 百老匯電影中心

Online ticket sales begin on 2 August

The Topp Twins: Untouchable Girls is the first time that the extraordinary personal stories of the irrepressible Kiwi entertainment double act, Jools and Lynda Topp, have been told.

Fun, disarming and musically provocative, the Topp Twins are New Zealand's finest lesbian country and western singers, and the world's only comedic, country singing, dancing, and yodelling twin sisters.

The film offers a revealing look into the lives of the Topps. As well as rarely seen archive footage and home movies, the film features a series of special interviews with some of their infamous comedy alter-egos.

About the Film and the Director
The Topp Twins: Untouchable Girls is a big story. It’s not just the story of two sisters but also of two truly unique New Zealanders and 50 years of New Zealand history. Part concept film, part biopic, part historical record, part comedy, the twins share their journey from ‘coming out’ to Jools' recent brush with breast cancer with much laughter, honesty and wisdom.

Director Leanne Pooley is one of New Zealand's most accomplished documentary filmmakers. She has worked for broadcasters around the world, including the BBC and TVNZ. Her documentaries have screened in more than 100 countries and include topics ranging from Rugby to The Pope. The Promise, about euthanasia campaigner Lesley Martin, won the 2006 New Zealand Screen Award for 'Best Documentary'. Pooley is on the executive board of the NZ Directors Guild and has served as a judge for the International Emmy Awards.

Leanne Pooley on The Topp Twins: Untouchable Girls: “Lynda and Jools Topp are truly unique. To top this off their story is incredible in its richness, variety and depth. How did two highly politicised gay women push their way into the hearts of mainstream New Zealanders, becoming not just entertainers but icons? The journey to answer this question was a riotous one, both inspiring and hilarious. The Topp Twins have managed to use humour to explore serious subject matter in a way that even the most cynical observer couldn’t ignore.”

Director: Leanne Pooley
Appearances: Jools Topp, Lynda Topp
Year: 2009
Language: English with Chinese subtitles
Duration: 84 mins
Category: IIA

Festival – Highlight
Melbourne International Film Festival 2009: Audience Award
Qantas Film and TV Awards NZ: Best Feature Film (under NZ$1million)
Qantas Film and TV Awards NZ: Best Original Music
Toronto International Film Festival 2009: The Cadillac People's Choice Award - Documentary
Festival International Du Film Documentaire Oceanien (FIFO): Special Jury Award
Gothenburg International Film Festival: Audience Award - Best Feature Film

一對壓抑不住、頂級過癮的樂壇孖寶 - 祖絲和蓮達‧拓帕 - 前所未有地在紀錄片頂級無敵雙辣妹中真情對話,分享她們非凡的個人經歷。






級數 : IIA

麥爾本國際電影節 2009-觀眾獎
多倫多國際電影節 2009 卡迪拉克觀眾之選大獎-紀錄片