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Screenings 放映詳情:
(1) 2:50 pm, 5 September, Broadway Cinematheque
9月5日下午2時50分 百老匯電影中心
(2) 6:10 pm, 12 September, Broadway Cinematheque
9月12日下午6時10分 百老匯電影中心

Online ticket sales begin on 2 August

Mary lives in middle class suburban New Zealand. After befriending a young Maori boy at her school, she becomes curious about his culture and its relevance to her. But when he turns his curiosity onto her, it soon becomes clear that Mary is not quite ready to embrace her own roots.

About the Film and the Director

The word Mokopuna has two meanings in the Maori language. First, it is the physical reflection of your face, secondly it is the word for grandchild or descendent. It suggests that people are a physical reflection of those who have gone before them.

The question at the heart of this story is captured in its dual meaning. It is about that time of life when children cease to simply be, and start to question what it means to be.

Director Ainsley Gardiner
has produced short and feature films, television series and commercials. She also has experience in script development and selection, editing and post production and a passion for creative producing. Mokopuna is her first foray into dramatic writing and direction.

Ainsley produced Taika Waititi’s Oscar nominated short Two Cars One Night in 2005 and his first feature Eagle vs Shark in 2007. The latter was the opening film for the 2008 New Zealand Film Festival in Hong Kong.

Ainsley Gardiner on Mokopuna: “Mokopuna is a small and explicit story about the question of identity. I hope it is a film that will resonate with indigenous cultures around the world. Who are we? What does that mean? How do we fit in? ”

Director and Writer: Ainsley Gardiner
Cast: Francesca Morton, Haze Reweti
Year: 2009
Language: English with Chinese subtitles
Duration: 11 mins
Category: I

Festival – Highlight
Dreamspeakers Film Festival, Canada 2009 – Best Short Film
New Zealand International Film Festival 2009
Tampere Film Festival, Finland 2009
Melbourne International Film Festival, Australia 2009
Sprockets Toronto Film Festival for Children, Canada 2009



這個毛利語的雙重意思正好反映故事的核心主題 : 當孩子到了生命中的某個階段,不再僅僅存在,而且開始質問存在的意義。


加甸拿曾替導演泰卡‧偉帝迪的奧斯卡提名短片Two Cars One Night (2005)及他的首部故事片狂鯊戀上鷹痴(2007)擔任監製,後者為香港二零零八年新西蘭電影節開幕電影。


級數 : I

加拿大Dreamspeakers 電影節2009-最佳短片
芬蘭坦佩利電影節 2009
澳洲墨爾本國際電影節 2009