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Screenings 放映詳情:
(1) 2:50 pm, 5 September, Broadway Cinematheque
9月5日下午2時50分 百老匯電影中心
(2) 6:10 pm, 12 September, Broadway Cinematheque
9月12日下午6時10分 百老匯電影中心

Online ticket sales begin on 2 August

Poppy is a Performance-Captured CGI drama set on France's western front in World War One. Two New Zealand soldiers are trapped behind enemy lines and are trying to find their way to safety. They find an orphaned baby under its dead parents in a ditch. One of the men wants to save it, the other does not.

Based on true events, Poppy was written by the great-grandson of one of these soldiers.

About the Film and the Director

Writer David Coyle was 18 years old and a student when he wrote Poppy. After discovering the script, Director James Cunningham was determined to turn it into an emotive, affecting and dramatic CGI animation.

A labour of love, Poppy took 15 months to make, including a one day shoot at Weta Digital in Wellington (on Peter Jackson's new Motion Capture sound stage).

Director James Cunningham
has written, directed and animated three award winning theatrical shorts before Poppy. All of these films explored James’ vision of what programs, as characters, might look like within computers and digital space.

Infection, one of the most successful short films ever made in association with the New Zealand Film Commission, competed at the Cannes International Film Festival 2000, Sundance Film Festival 2001 and 20 other international Film Festivals. Delf was selected for the Saatchi & Saatchi new directors Global showcase in 2000 and won numerous awards.

Cunningham is Head of 3D at one of New Zealand’s premiere Post Production houses, Digital Post. He was a Technical Director on The Lord of the Rings at Weta Digital Ltd.

James Cunningham on Poppy:Poppy is a small and delicate story that is not like most war films..... by taking away all the complexity of a live-action WWI film, I felt that the visual stylisations of animation could get to the heart of this small story, the heart of it’s characters, and make for a stronger film.”

Director: James Cunningham
Writer: David Coyle
Cast: Matthew Sunderland, Paul Glover, Camille Keenan, Marek Sumich
Year: 2009
Language: English with Chinese subtitles
Duration: 11 mins
Category: IIA

Festival – Highlight
New Zealand Film & TV Awards 2009 – Outstanding Technical Contribution to a Short Film
Telluride Film Festival, USA 2009






他的其中一部作品Infection在2000年康城國際影展、2001年辛丹士電影節及其他二十個國際電影節參賽。Infection是新西蘭電影局最成功的短片之一。另一部作品Delf(『數碼製造的生命形式』)於2000年獲Saatchi & Saatchi選為國際新晉導演傑作,並且贏得多個獎項。

根寧函掌管現今新西蘭頂尖後期製作公司Post Production的3D部門。他較早前任職維塔數碼的時候,曾擔當魔戒三部曲的技術總監。


級數 : IIA
