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Screenings 放映詳情 :
(1) 2:50 pm, 5 September, Broadway Cinematheque
9月5日下午2時50分 百老匯電影中心
(2) 6:10 pm, 12 September, Broadway Cinematheque
9月12日下午6時10分 百老匯電影中心

Online ticket sales begin on 2 August

Set in 1970s New Zealand, The Six Dollar Fifty Man follows Andy, a gutsy 8 year-old boy who is forced to break out of his make-believe superhero world to deal with playground bullies. But when Andy gets in trouble with the headmaster, he realises that to save himself and his only friend Mary, he must face up to the real world.

About the Film and the Director

The Six Dollar Fifty Man is the third short film which the directors have collaborated on, and the first which they have officially co-directed. It continues a body of work built on tales exploring the depths of the human spirit.

It was the winner of the Jury Prize in International Short Filmmaking at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival and recipient of Special Distinction, Best Short Film at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival.

Directors Mark Albiston and Louis Sutherland
began working together for a cable TV network that began its early trials in their home town and have been collaborating in the film industry for over 15 years. Run, their earlier short film, was awarded an Honourable Mention at Festival de Cannes Shorts Competition 2007; First Place at Best of Shorts Film Festival, Marseille; and a Golden Horseman Audience Award at the Filmfest Dresden International Short Film Festival 2008.

They are currently writing their feature screenplay, Shopping.

Mark Albiston on The Six Dollar Fifty Man: “When I told my kids of the time I tried to escape from Raumati Beach primary school I knew we had the bones of a good story – they asked me to tell it a lot.”

Louis Sutherland on The Six Dollar Fifty Man: “We wanted to take an adult audience and suck them into a small boy’s world to see the size and weight of something that as an adult we might overlook.”

Director & Writer: Mark Albiston and Louis Sutherland
Cast: Oscar Vandy-Connor, Celina Russo-Bewick
Year: 2009
Language: English with Chinese subtitles
Duration: 15 mins
Category: IIA

Festival – Highlight
Sundance Film Festival 2010 - Jury Prize in International Short Filmmaking
Cannes Film Festival 2009 - Special Distinction, Best Short Film
New Zealand Film & TV Awards 2009– Best Short Film, Best Performance in a Short Film, Best Screenplay for a Short Film

影片以1970年的新西蘭為背景,描述勇敢的八歲男孩安迪,被迫從他的超級英雄幻想世界返回真實生活迎戰操場惡霸。當事情鬧到校長那裡時,安迪明白只有面對現實才可自保和拯救瑪莉 - 他唯一的朋友。







級數 : IIA
