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Screenings 放映詳情 :
(1) **4:40 pm, 4 September, Broadway Cinematheque ( ** FREE screening open to Hong Kong secondary and university students and anyone aged 12-21 - please refer to ticketing information)
** 9月4日下午4時40分 百老匯電影中心 (**免費招待全港中、大學生及任何十二至二十一歲人士。有關索取贈劵詳情,請參閱購票及一般須知)
(2) 8:00 pm, 10 September, Broadway Cinematheque
9月10日下午8時 百老匯電影中心

Online ticket sales begin on 2 August

Sixteen-year-old Michael escapes the realities of his small-town New Zealand life by immersing himself within a world of maps. Yet his seemingly happy isolation is broken by the serendipitous arrival of two young women into his life. Mary is twenty and blind from birth, on the verge of voyaging into the world on her own. Alison is Michael’s peer, whose grace betrays darker secrets. Behind it all is Michael’s single mother, Amelia, who cherishes her son while simultaneously pushing him away.

About the Film and the Director
Director Harold Brodie was born in Toledo, Ohio, USA. He emigrated to New Zealand in 1992, where he has lived ever since. His first film as writer/director/editor was the micro-budget Orphans and Angels, which won a Special Jury Prize at the 2003 New Zealand Film Awards. The Map Reader is his second film. He also works as a film and television editor.

Brodie wrote the first draft for the film about 12 years ago, drawing on his own fascination with maps as a child. Brodie received funding for the film in New Zealand and wanted to address “New Zealandness" from an American perspective and give the audience a feel for where New Zealand is in the world.

Harold Brodie on The Map Reader :
“I wanted to make a film about a young dreamer, who wasn't necessarily sure of what to do with himself, or indeed of who he was. He only begins to truly blossom when he's drawn into the worlds of three extraordinary women, who each give him wonderful gifts."

Director & Writer: Harold Brodie
Cast: Rebecca Gibney, Jordan Selwyn, Mikaila Hutchinson, Bonnie Soper
Year: 2008
Language: English with Chinese subtitles
Duration: 90 mins
Category: IIA

Festival – Highlight
New Zealand Film Festival 2009 – Best Supporting Actress for Bonnie Soper
Las Vegas International Film Festival 2009 - Golden Ace Award - Best Narrative Feature
ReelHeArt International Film Festival 2009 - Festival Prize - Best Feature
Tiburon International Film Festival 2009 - Golden Reel Award - Best Children's Film
Qantas Film & Television Awards 2009- Best Supporting Actress for Bonnie Soper
Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival 2008 - Spirit of the Independent Award

十六歲的米高鑽入世界地圖裡,避開新西蘭小鎮的現實生活。然而,他看似幸福的宅男生活,被兩名年輕女子偶然的介入干擾 ─ 二十歲天生失明,準備踏出世界的瑪莉和親切的表面藏著難言之隱的同伴愛莉生。而在米高的生命裡,最大的震盪來自他的單身母親阿美妮亞,儘管她珍愛兒子,卻同時鼓勵他離開。




級數 : IIA

加拿大ReelHeArt 國際電影節2009-節慶獎(最佳長片)