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Screenings 放映詳情 :
(1) 2:50 pm, 5 September, Broadway Cinematheque
9月5日下午2時50分 百老匯電影中心
(2) 6:10 pm, 12 September, Broadway Cinematheque
9月12日下午6時10分 百老匯電影中心

Online ticket sales begin on 2 August

A war party has abducted an enemy leader and bound him to the bow of their war canoe. The canoe is being towed through the forest, driven by a merciless chief in a bid to escape pursuers and return home safely with their trophy.

Two young boys sit at the stern. They serve as bailers of the water to the men. On the desperate and gruelling journey, every man is in need of water, even the unknown prisoner…

About the Film and the Director

Taua – War Party is based on the Maori proverb - Mate atu he tete kura, ara mai ano he tetekura.(In war, leaders fall and leaders rise).

There is no use of western instruments throughout the film. Every note of music or rhythm is produced by authentic Maori instruments.

Director Tearepa Kahi
is of the Ngati Paoa iwi (tribe). His first three documentaries were all nominated for TV Guide Awards and he has since amassed considerable experience across all genres of television. Kahi is now developing a feature film entitled A Gift to Zion and he continues to helm a number of other television projects.

Tearepa Kahi on Taua – War Party: “My aim was to create a sensory rich window into an aspect of an ancient Maori world where an act of compassion speaks to the true value of leadership, whether past or present.”


Director and Writer: Tearepa Kahi
Cast: Graham Hohapata, Vaughn Ahchee Ti Tore, Reweti Te Mete, Antonio Te Maioha
Year: 2007
Language: Maori with Chinese subtitles
Duration: 15 mins
Category: IIA

Festival – Highlight
National Geographic All Roads Film Festival 2007 - Best Short Film
ImagineNATIVE Film & Media Arts Festival 2007 - Honourable Mention
Edinburgh International Film Festival 2007
International Film Festival Rotterdam 2008
Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival 2008



影片原名Taua是毛利語戰隊的意思,故事靈感來自毛利諺語:Mate atu he tete kura, ara mai ano he tetekura-在戰爭中,一個領袖倒下,便有另一個冒起。


導演田韋帕‧卡義有顏堤鮑亞(Ngati Paoa)族血統。他累積了深厚的跨類型電視製作經驗,首三部紀錄片作品俱獲提名美國電視指南雜誌大獎。他現時正在籌備故事片,暫名A Gift to Zion,亦同時為多個電視製作掌舵。


級數 : IIA

國家地理頻道All Roads 電影節2007-最佳短片
法國克萊蒙費朗短片電影節 2008