親切的金子 Sympathy for Lady Vengeance

題材是故意「親切」的金子,贏得別人信賴誤以為痛改前非,從此告別13年的監獄生涯。但當年拐帶細佬謀殺他人的罪行,變得愈來愈有跡可尋,事關金子已經展開了她的一連串復仇行動……張力逼人,影象風格化,復仇場面繼續驚人震撼。《大長今》李英愛的金子,演活了femme fatale 的心狠手辣,而崔岷植雖然只是客串露兩手,但已閃出星光戲味,千祈咪走雞﹗


Highly anticipated, SYMPATHY FOR LADY VENGENANCE is ostensibly the final film of the director Park Chan-wook's trilogy of vengeance (SYMPATHY FOR MR VENGENANCE and OLD BOY), continuing the recurrent themes of suffering, revenge and salvation. Lee Geum-ja is the Lady Vengeance who was sent to prison when she was 19 for a murder case and abduction of a child on behalf of Mr Baek. While in prison, she carefully prepares for her revenge by winning the hearts of her fellow inmates with her kindness, thus earning herself the nickname 'kind Ms. Geum-Ja'. Upon her release from prison after 13 years, she finally sets out to seek revenge on Baek. As visually stunning as OLD BOY, this final episode assures the director's reputation as the frontrunner of Korean cinema with its aesthetic sophistication and formal resplendence.
(The other two of the trilogy, OLD BOY and SYMPATHY FOR MR VENGENANCE, will be screened on the same day under Special Presentation.)

‧In Competition, Venice Film Festival 2005

Oct 11 (Tue) 9:40pm / apm
Oct 11 (Tue) 9:40pm / ifc
Oct 11 (Tue) 9:50pm / bc


南韓South Korea/ 2005/ 彩色Color/ 35mm/ 112min
韓語對白,中、英文字幕 In Korean with Chinese and English Subtitles
導演Dir:朴贊鬱Park Chan-wook
主演Cast:李英愛Lee Yeong-ae、崔岷植Choi Min-sik