放映地點Screening Venue:

百老匯電影中心 (bc)
Broadway Cinematheque (bc)
Address: Prosperous Garden, 3 Public Square Street (MTR Yau Ma Tei - Exit C)

地點:香港中環金融街 8 號國際金融中心商場一樓 (地鐵香港站F出口)
Address: Podium L1, IFC Mall, 8 Finance Street, Central (MTR Hong Kong Station –
Exit F)

PALACE apm (apm)
地點:九龍觀塘道418號創紀之城五期apm 6樓 L6-1舖 (地鐵觀塘站A出口)
Address: Shop No. L6-1, Level 6, apm, Millennium City 5, 418 Kwun Tong Road (MTR Kwun Tong Station – Exit A)

票價Ticket Price:
$50 (百老匯電影中心放映之場次Screenings at Broadway Cinematheque)
$65 (Palace IFC 放映之場次Screenings at Palace IFC)
$65/$50 (Palace apm放映之場次Screenings at Palace apm)

1) 百老匯電影中心VIP會員購買任何戲票均可獲八折優惠
20% off on any ticket for Broadway Cinematheque VIP members
2) 903 id card 及MANHANTTAN id card持有者可獲九折優惠
10% off on 903 id card and MANHANTTAN id card holders
3) 城大創意媒體學院會員均可享有九折購票優惠
10% off on Creative Media members

購票辦法 Ticketing:
1) 親臨百老匯電影中心,PALACE IFC或PALACE apm票房或自動售票機購票
Tickets available at the box office and auto-ticketing machine of Broadway Cinematheque, PALACE IFC and PALACE apm.
2) 網上購票Online Ticketing:bc.cinema.com.hk
3) 電話購票Phone Ticketing:2388 3188

* 網上及電話購票均會收取每張$5手續費
$5 handling fee will be charged on each ticket purchased online or by phone.
** Insight Pass網上預留座位服務不適用於是次電影節。百老匯電影中心已替Insight會員預留最佳座位,Insight會員請親身前往票房辦理預留及取票手續。
Insight Pass online reservation service is not applicable to HKAFF 2005. Broadway Cinematheque has reserved the best seats for Insight members, please reserve and redeem tickets at box office in person.

查詢電話Enquiry:2388 0002
bc VIP會員專線Member Hotline:2783 7004