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盜夢探偵 Paprika
1/10 (Sun) / 4:10pm / bc
2/10 (Mon) / 8:00pm / ifc
24/9 (Sun) / 2:30pm / AMC
日本Japan / 2006 / 彩色Color / 35mm / 90min
日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles
導演Dir: 今敏Satoshi Kon
繼《千年女優》、《東京教父》後,日本著名動畫導演今敏一反現實畫風把這個被喻為「不可能映像化」的筒井康隆小說搬上銀幕。精神治療師千葉敦子與天才科學家時田浩作合力研製出一個可以走入病人夢境,進行治療的裝置「DC迷你」。可惜獲政府批核之前,「DC迷你」竟被人偷掉了。唯恐有人濫用「DC迷你」,千葉自告奮勇調查事件,但原來她擁有不為人知的另一面:她是一名「夢探偵」,密碼名稱「Paprika」,能闖入他人夢境,盜取他們的夢。今次千葉出擊,就是要在夢與現實交錯的境界線上,找出「盜夢恐怖分子」的主腦。超現實、精神分析、無意識空間、夢境解構…… 等深奧概念被今敏玩得出神入化,觀影過程猶如坐過山車。

• 2006威尼斯影展競賽作品
In the near future, a revolutionary new psychotherapy treatment called PT has been invented. Through a device called the “DC Mini” it is able to act as a “dream detective” to enter into people's dreams and explore their unconscious thoughts. When one of the prototypes is stolen, the research facility turns into an uproar. In an attempt to discover who is behind the plot to undermine the new invention, renowned scientist, Dr. Atsuko Chiba, decides to enter the dream world under her exotic alter-ego, code name “PAPRIKA”... From the director of TOKYO GODFATHERS and based on the novel by renowned writer Yasutaka Tsutsui, PAPRIKA is the definitive film of the Third Millennium about Counterfeit and Alternative Worlds.

• Official Competition, Venice Film Festival 2006