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  Local Power
  - Local Power 1
  - Local Power 2
  - Local Power 3
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Local Power是今屆香港亞洲電影節的重點推介,宣布一班香港電影新導演正式登場!他們大部份一直在影圈的不同崗位默默耕耘,不少更是第一次做導演。但從這批作品可見,他們潛力豐厚,戰鬥力強,勢必各領風騷。我們相信不久的將來,他們的電影將再臨香港亞洲電影節。
Local Power is the new section and highlight of this year's HKAFF. This is to showcase a group of young directors and cast, who have been in the mainstream film industry and yet not entirely being absorbed. They continuingly demonstrate their edge and uncompromising attitude in making film, unleashing their powerful energies so as to make their vision seen, their noise loud! With their unyielding passions, we can foresee their future works arriving HKAFF again. Let's feel the local power!
Local Power 1
23/9 (Sat) / 9:45pm / ifc
30/9 (Sat) / 5:40pm / bc
三部短片,三段人間七情六慾。資深音樂人梁翹柏首次執導,找來盧巧音與黃貫中友情參演,在《美好時光》(Betacam/60分鐘)中透過一宗命案,把纏繞於現實與電影世界的女演員、身陷中年危機的自閉音樂人、有自虐傾向的年青警員、行將走到生命盡頭的老歌手共冶一爐,樂觀看眾生。司徒永華的《攝》(DV/20分鐘)中,吳嘉龍與Maggie Q化身攝影癡。一天女生暫住男生的家,趁對方不在,八卦他的隱私,卻赫然發現自己是他的秘密,掀起兩性關係中的窺淫狂迷。許潔華的《失蹤》(35mm/14分鐘) ,找來尹子維飾演誓要尋找出走女友的痴情漢子,他行遍紐約大街小巷,找不到女友,卻發現意料之外的秘密。康城參賽短片。(全長94分鐘)
Lust, emotions and mysteries unfold in three local short films. WONDERFUL TIMES (Dir: Kubert Leung/Betacam/60min) depicts the solitary lives of people from all walks of life, who have their own wonderful times in life clinging to their mind. Not until a homicide happened did this situation turn into a more optimistic finale. TAPED (Dir: Szeto Wing-wah/DV/20min) records the extreme voyeuristic compulsions of a love triangle. Maggie Q and Carl Ng play two camera buffs who simply take photos of everything around them, and later spin into complex ties when they decide to live in the same apartment. MISSING (Dir: Kit Hui/35mm/14min) follows a lovelorn man who is desperate to find out the whereabouts of his girlfriend. As he uncovers the mystery of her disappearance, he catches a haunting glimpse of New York City and realizes something unexpected. (Total running time: 94mins)