
JVC東京錄影作品節是歷史最悠久的國際錄像節之一,是次電影節將選映2005年度的得獎及入圍佳作。《納豆歲月》(大獎/19分鐘)是一個納豆工人的錄像日記,工作偷閒時抬頭每每看見飛機飛過,一天決定拿掉自己的薪水去遊小型飛機河。《東京城市》(優異獎/2分鐘)中短訊每天收不停,千奇百怪的事也就不斷發生。在《齊齊唱兒歌》(優異獎/3分鐘) 中小朋友喊出動物名稱,畫面就有不可思議的動畫跳出,非一般的「春田花花」。《BLANKER》(優異獎/7分鐘)裡的是童年時家庭錄像片段,導演將影像中的自己抹去,質疑自己過去的存在。《夏子的夏天》(優異獎/20分鐘)是《菊次郎之夏》的變奏,雙失漢忽然中年得女,短短的相處令他的生活添了一份暖意。《非常公寓》(佳作/5分鐘)見盡千奇百怪的都市眾生相。《京都叮叮物語》(佳作/5分鐘)是日本版「幾分鐘的約會」,導演利用四十年前的超八片段重構了一段愛情故事。《自那天》(佳作/6分鐘)運用詩意的畫面去描述一個胚胎的誕生。《驗眼狂想曲》(佳作/7分鐘)說驗眼時圖像突然變成天花亂墜的符號交響樂,霎時令人置身夢樂園。(全長74分鐘)

The JVC Tokyo Video Festival started in 1978 and is the longest-running international, public-participation video festival in the world. This year, HKAFF would showcase some of the best works from this festival. GRAINY DAYS (The Video Grand Prize/19min) begins with the director's boring life as a part-time worker at a "natto" factory. It is not until she meets a pilot that she learns to look at the world from a different perspective. TOKYO CITY (Excellence Award/2min) is a black comedy giving a fresh insight into the lack of concern of city people. SONGS FOR ALL (Excellence Award/3min) lets the kindergarten kids to shout out the names of their favorite animals and then jumps to veritable multitude of funny images. BLANKER (Excellence Award/7min) juxtaposes the director's childhood video images with his today's interpretation. NATCHAN IN SUMMER (Excellence Award/20min) is an unordinary story between a father and a baby daughter. APARTMENT! (Selected Work/5min) unfolds the daily life of a young man who little by little connects his life with the new neighborhood. KYOTO TROLLEYLAND (Selected Work/5min) cleverly uses the 8mm footage of Kyoto Trolley 40 years ago to present a love story of junior high school student nowadays. ON THE DAY (Selected Work/6min) is a poetic animation shows the development of a fetus during pregnancy. EYE-CHART (Selected Work/7min) is a mysterious adventure in a classroom. (Total running time: 74min)

Oct 11 (Tue) 3:50pm / bc