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亞洲短打1: 小女的迷思
Asian Shorts 1: The Enigma of Life


穿旗袍的美麗女子,追趕著神秘少女,曖眛的關係,荒謬的似曾相識,是夢境還是追 憶?去年從《金魚》(第六屆)闖到威尼斯,楊毅恆新作講的是兩位女子的情為主線,《現 在》是大馬獨立電影開始抬頭的年代。

KINGYO (HKAFF 2009) director Edmund Yeo returns to his native Malaysia for his latest short, originally produced for a major fashion label. The short film follows the surreal journey of a woman pursuing a mysterious girl through the city. She soon realizes that she isn't chasing a physical figure, but rather time itself.


馬來西亞 Malaysia / 2010 / 彩色 Color / 2 min
無對白 No Dialogue
導演 Dir: 楊毅恆 Edmund Yeo


The Artist and His Magic

可愛的女孩因一本童話書打開了魔幻新國度,漫遊奇境中著有各種奇特的幻想,一個個 生動的人物形象躍然紙上,在只有光明和黑暗的童話世界中打造瑰麗的奇幻盛會。美妙 簡單的動畫畫面,無限奇妙的旅程,離奇虛幻的情節,曾惠青導演短片,一切將超乎你 想像。

A girl who possesses a magical book wakes up one day to find the book open and all its content gone. Frustrated and at a loss, the girl embarks on a journey to fill up her book with new knowledge. A testament to the power of an artist to create and imagine, this dreamlike animated short blends computer graphics with live-action performance, effortlessly luring the audience into the realm of fairy tales.


台灣 Taiwan / 2009 / 彩色 Color / 8 min
無對白,英文字幕 No Dialogue with English subtitles
導演Dir: 曾惠青 Tseng Hui-Ching,
林逸群 Lin Yi-Chun, 翁偉翔 Weng Wei-Shiang


Official Selection, Pusan International Film Festival 2009


Heaven and Hell

劉以鬯短篇作品化為影像,廖劍清(《蛋撻》,第六屆)以實驗手法拍攝,一take過把徐 娘、小白臉、媚媚、大胖子分裂成四種人格,外表的純潔,人的內心卻比銅臭錢更齷 齪,為財為錢的意識流吞噬入侵到血液裡面,天堂與地獄,一線之差。第八屆香港文學 節短文創作比賽奪魁之作。

Following the successful visualization of Chan Wei's short story PASTRY (6th HKAFF), audacious independent filmmaker Risky Liu turns a famous novella from Liu Yi-chang into an 8-minute film. A faithful adaptation with a seminal bug's-eye-view presentation, this experimental short satirizes the greed of man from the perspective of a pesky fly, all impressively shot in a single take with no editing.


香港 Hong Kong / 2010 / 彩色Color / 8 min
粵語對白,英文字幕 In Cantonese with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 廖劍清 Risky Liu



Shinda Gaijin

在日本一幢舊公寓中,少女回家後發現有一副外國人的軀體躺在浴缸內,只好硬著頭 皮來趁沒有人發現之前把「他」搬走,毀屍滅迹後「他」又再來襲!留學東洋的泰導 Pahurak的短片帶點黑色幽默驚慄又不失悲涼,審視營營役役的生活教現代人不知所措和 荒謬世界。

What's a single young woman to do with a body in her bathtub? A young woman arrives home after a tough day at work only to find the body of Caucasian in her tub. She disposes of the body without help, but her work seems fruitless because every night the body keeps reappearing! Thai-born, Japan-educated director Kong Pahurak sends up our modern workaholic world in this black comic short.


泰國, 日本 Thailand, Japan / 2010 / 彩色 Color / 12 min
日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles
導演 Dir: Kong Pahurak
主演 Cast: Luchino Fujisaki, Klaus Petersen,
Scean Mitchell, Chika Kawaguchi


Official Selection, Puchon International
Fantastic Film Festival 2010


Kid in the Dark

舒浩侖繼續圓他的上海夢,在城區拆遷地帶的瓦礫中挖出影像深層次的靈感。男的閉關 埋首創作劇本,女的剛好離職未有著落,一人為理想,一人為餬口,二人同在夜色低沉 的晚上無言以對,前路茫茫。拒絕講話的主角,只靠書寫溝通,上海,急速發展下的失 衡狀態。

An aspiring writer shuts himself in his home to write his first script, while a woman finds herself unemployed. The two wander aimlessly in the burgeoning metropolis that is Shanghai in director Shu Haolun's latest introspection into the self-destruction of the city.


中國 China / 2009 / 彩色 Color / 14 min
普通話對白,英文字幕 In Putonghua with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 舒浩侖 Shu Haolun


Crimson Jade

憑《音樂人生》創下驕人佳績的導演張經緯,接觸了一群吸毒青少年後,將他們的親身 經歷改編成一闕叛逆青春殘酷物語。十四歲少女嫣染有毒癖,有書唔讀卻當上夜青,就 算搞大了肚也不大上心,以為食墮胎藥便可解決一切。於是,她在廁所產下嬰屍。有說 吸毒孕婦會誕下綠色嬰兒,難道……?

The colorful film title ironically serves to highlight the dark and decadent side of adolescence in the latest from award-winning director Cheung King Wai (KJ: MUSIC AND LIFE). Inspired by the confessions of a group of teenage junkies, this short film centers on middle school dropout Yan, who abandons herself to taking illegal drugs. Unprepared for motherhood, the pregnant young girl decides to have an abortion - by taking even more drugs …


香港 Hong Kong / 2010 / 彩色 Color / 28 min
粵語對白,英文字幕 In Cantonese with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 張經緯 Cheung King Wai



24/10 | 12:30pm | bc
25/10 | 7:30pm | bc