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The Drunkard

劉以鬯的《對倒》啟發了《花樣年華》,今回的《酒徒》更忠於原著,滲透著老香港,舊情懷,在觀眾的內心意識流。酒色性也,酒徒為了糊口不得不靠寫庸俗武俠和四毫子小說,酒醒時喘息於舞女楊露、張麗麗、女房東、妙齡的司馬莉臂窩之中。張國柱演鬱鬱不得志的文藝中年男,戲路綜橫,與溫碧霞、江美儀、 蔣祖曼、郭善衍挑逗誘惑的肢體演繹,勝過千言萬語,酒色財氣 間挑釁大家的潛意識。五、六十年代的老香港,封塵的香港小說 經典,影痴黃國兆寶刀出鞘,終圓導演夢。

One of Hong Kong's most acclaimed authors, Liu Yi-chang has influenced a generation of Hong Kong artists. Almost 50 years later, veteran cultural figure Freddie Wong Guo-siu takes on Liu's landmark 1962 novel THE DRUNKARD - dubbed the first stream of consciousness style novel in Chinese literature - as his directorial debut. John Chang Guo-chu (Edward Yang's A BRIGHTER SUMMER DAY) stars as a self-destructive author in 1960s Hong Kong who uses alcohol and women to drown out his professional failures. Hong Kong indie queen Joman Chiang Jo-man turns in the highlight of her career with a daring dual-role performance.



香港 Hong Kong / 2010 / 彩色Color / 106 min
粵語對白,英文字幕 In Cantonese with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 黃國兆 Freddie Wong
主演 Cast: 張國柱 John Chang Kuo-chu, 溫碧霞 Irene Wan Pik-ha, 蔣祖曼 Joman Chiang



Official Selection, Pusan International Film Festival 2010
Official Selection, Vancouver International Film Festival 2010

23/10 | 9:40pm | IFC
25/10 | 7:30pm | The One
1/11 | 9:35pm | IFC
3/11 | 9:50pm | The One