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Taipei Exchanges

在街角的咖啡店,相遇的一刻,寶島編導蕭雅全從頭說起。桂綸 鎂演內向柔弱的朵兒,林辰唏飾外向剛強的妹妹薔兒,因在店 中「以物易物」的遊戲,銅人像、小木馬、吉他、童謠書等舊東 西,交換別人心愛或失愛的回憶,發展出35段無法預知的結果。 流動的人物擦身而過,可能不帶著一點痕跡的日常生活,或許是 迴腸盪氣的邂逅,只是還沒找到彼此而已。一部以咖啡館為主要 場景的電影,這杯咖啡包含了故事人物與台北的情感,未端上桌 早已嗅到香味,監製侯孝賢、旅台的中孝介、張翰等也是座上 客。

Doris (Kwai Lunmei) simply wanted to open a refined, stylish coffee shop in a bohemian Taipei neighborhood, but when she's stuck with a load of useless gifts from the opening celebration, her younger sister Josie (Lin Zaizai) turns the café into a burgeoning bartering business. There, anything ranging from bars of soap to a soulful song is a tradable commodity. Commissioned by Taipei's tourism authority, TAIPEI EXCHANGES is a contemporary fairy tale that serves to reflect the charms of Taipei and its people, as well as the modern dilemma between ideas and reality.



台灣 Taiwan / 2010 / 彩色Color / 86 min
國語對白,英文字幕 In Mandarin with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 蕭雅全 Hsiao Ya-chuan
主演 Cast: 桂綸鎂 Kwai Lunmei, 林辰唏 Lin Zaizai, 張翰 Chang Han



Official Selection, Pusan International Film Festival 2010

30/10 | 7:50pm | The One
31/10 | 4:15pm | IFC
31/10 | 6:10pm | IFC
2/11 | 9:40pm | bc