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In Case of Love

自閉女與搖滾樂手,因街角的貓咪「小王子」串連起來,漸漸地 撫平了她的傷痛,也悄悄地為他尋回記憶。森林系女孩郭碧婷夥 拍新世代小生楊祐寧,新銳導演林孝謙首作把喵喵力量化為心動 奇蹟,生動而深刻地刻劃貓與人的感情,日系唯美攝影風格拍下 純愛的感動。台灣首部寵物療癒系電影,惹人憐愛的「小王子」 初次登場,百分百感動,各位愛貓族豈能錯過,喵!

Nothing heals a damaged soul like the sight of a small, adorable animal. In director Gavin Lin's feature film debut IN CASE OF LOVE, a tiny cat not only heals a young woman (Haden Kuo) reeling from the death of her mother, it also helps her find love with a lonely rock musician (Tony Yang, FORMULA 17). A pure love story in every sense of the word, IN CASE OF LOVE is a simple, heartwarming little movie about learning how to stand back up when life knocks us down.



台灣 Taiwan / 2010 / 彩色Color / 83 min
國語對白,英文字幕 In Mandarin with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 林孝謙 Gavin Lin
主演 Cast: 楊祐寧 Tony Yang, 郭碧婷 Haden Kuo



25/10 | 9:50pm | The One
26/10 | 7:40pm | bc