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Johnnie Got His Gun!

杜琪峰的作品,商業及個人風格並重,《槍火》、《PTU》、 《黑社會》冷峻的風格拓展了黑幫與動作港產片的世界版圖, 也引來研究亞洲電影的法國資深影評人的青睞。Montmayeur 走訪杜Sir、他的老拍擋和圈中影人朋友,探討這位香港名導 的創作路程和電影世界觀,他說到場景對創作的重要性,光影 如何營造氣氛,以及槍手以槍代劍的精神,都是杜Sir獨有的 創作理念。繼宮崎駿、杜可風、韓國新導和日本極道類型片主 題,Montmayeur 今次為杜Sir點了根雪茄,談香港電影何去 何從。

Avid cigar smoker and master of the Hong Kong crime film, Johnnie To is the subject of JOHNNIE'S GOT HIS GUN, from French filmmaker, critic and journalist Yves Montmayeur. Shot over three years, this documentary follows Johnnie To as he visits various film festivals, recording his views on his brilliant and now internationally famous brand of action filmmaking. Filled with analyses and interviews about To's work, JOHNNIE'S GOT HIS GUN is required viewing for the Johnnie To fan, and a glimpse inside the mind of one of Hong Kong's undisputed master filmmakers.



香港, 法國 Hong Kong, France / 2010 / 彩色Color / 59 min
粵語、英語對白,英文字幕 In Cantonese & English with English subtitles
導演 Dir: Yves Montmayeur


Official Selection, Pusan International Film Festival 2010

30/10 | 4:00pm | bc
7/11 | 5:30pm | IFC