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今敏的第四部動畫電影,《盜夢偵探》根據日本科幻小說家筒井 康隆的同名作品改編,成功將這部被喻為「不可能影像化」的作 品搬上銀幕。電影由精神治療師千葉敦子化身夢偵探紅辣椒,潛 入夢境捉拿恐怖份子,探討多重人格、潛意識、夢境解構等慨 念。今敏這次以絢爛奪目的影像,讓你遊走現在與過去,夢境與 現實交錯的時空之間,難怪《潛行凶間》都要向他致敬。

Psychotherapist Atsuko conducts research with a device that manipulates dreams. As her dream alter ego Paprika, she becomes a fearless heroine who cures troubled minds, but the device turns into a dangerous weapon when it falls into the wrong hands. People are driven mad as dreams and reality collide, leaving Paprika with the task of hunting down the culprit in a stunningly beautiful dreamscape that stretches the limits of animation and imagination. Based on Yasutaka Tsutsui's novel, PAPRIKA is Satoshi Kon's final and most visually arresting film.



日本 Japan / 2006 / 彩色Color / 90 min
日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 今敏 Satoshi Kon



Official Completeion, Venice Film Festival 2006
Official Selection, Pusan International Film Festival 2006
Official Selection, Tokyo International Film Festival 2006

23/10 | 9:55pm | bc
25/10 | 9:50pm | IFC
28/10 | 9:40pm | The One
30/10 | 2:20pm | IFC
9/11 | 8:00pm | bc