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Perfect Blue

今敏執導的第一部動畫電影,改編自日本作家竹內義和同名小說 的《PERFECT BLUE》講述少女偶像未麻轉型為演員,可是過激 的工作令她無法接受,並開始質疑自己,此時她身邊的工作人員 接連被殺,令未麻的思緒日益混亂。今敏一鳴驚人的首部作品, 《PERFECT BLUE》已可看到他的強烈個人風格,人格分裂、時 空穿梭、夢境與現實交錯更是貫穿他所有作品的主題,成功奠定 今敏之後的創作路線。

What began as a small, clear-cut adaptation of Takeuchi Yoshikazu's novel became so much more in the hands of Kon Satoshi. A failed pop idol tries to start anew as an actress, but her fragile life is threatened by a mysterious stalker – and her own past self. Pushing the envelope of animated filmmaking, Kon's masterful debut disrupts the audience's sense of reality with multiple layers of characters and stories that mold fiction and delusion into a mind-bending psychological murder mystery.



日本 Japan / 1997 / 彩色 Color / 81 min
日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 今敏 Kon Satoshi



Official Selection, Berlin Interntaional Film Festival 1998
Best Asian Film Award, Fantasia Film Festival 1997

23/10 | 2:20pm | bc
26/10 | 9:50pm | The One
27/10 | 8:00pm | IFC