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Tokyo Godfather

聖誕夜,三個來自不同背境的遊民,在垃圾場撿到一名被遺棄的 女嬰,三人為女嬰起名清子,並憑著僅有的線索,酒吧的名片和 數張照片,在石屎森林裡展開尋找女嬰父母的冒險之旅。今敏第 三部動畫長片,《東京契爺》以一貫的繽紛燦爛的影像,打造出 充滿愛與勇氣的溫情喜劇。本片獲獎無數,包括入圍2003年第76 屆奧斯卡最佳動畫入圍,2004年東京國際動畫節和第58屆每日電 影獎的最佳動畫電影等。

Three homeless people and a baby are the unlikely heroes of Satoshi Kon's heartfelt third feature. On Christmas Eve, an alcoholic hobo, a transvestite and a runaway teen discover an abandoned infant in a dumpster. They set about returning her to the mother over one very eventful night. Unlike the topsy-turvy of Kon's previous works, TOKYO GODFATHERS tells a straightforward story from the edge of society, with eccentric characters that are more realistic than those of most live-action films.



日本 Japan / 2003 / 彩色 Color / 93 min
日語、西班牙語、英語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese, Spanish, English with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 今敏 Satoshi Kon



Best Animated Feature nomination, the Academy Awards 2003
2003 Sitges加泰羅尼亞國際電影節最佳動畫長片
Best Animated Feature Award, Sitges Festival Internacional de
Cinema Fantàstic de Catalunya

23/10 | 8:05pm | bc
30/10 | 2:15pm | bc
2/11 | 9:50pm | The One