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Millennium Actress (Sennen joyû)

女星藤原千代子在三十年前事業巔峰引退,從此消聲匿跡。三十 年後她的影迷立花源終於找到隱居的她。在兩人對談的過程了, 立花與千代子一起回顧她曲折傳奇的一生,更挖掘出一段蕩氣迴 腸的愛情故事。今敏一炮而紅的作品,《千年女優》大玩回憶和 戲中戲風格,再次帶領觀眾穿梭虛實交錯的時空世界。本片獲獎 無數,包括與動畫大師宮崎駿的《千與千尋》並列第五屆2001年 文部省文化廳媒體藝術祭動畫部門大賞。

After making a splash with PERFECT BLUE, Satoshi Kon brilliantly blurs the lines of reality and cinema again with MILLENNIUM ACTRESS. Released at the turn of the millennium, the film spans 100 years of Japanese cinema and 1000 years of Japanese history through the life story of an elderly actress. Her lifelong search for a dissident artist she met briefly as a girl takes her to distant lands and great adventures, revealed in stunning flashbacks in which movies and memories become one.



日本 Japan / 2001 / 彩色 Color / 87 min
日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 今敏 Kon Satoshi



Best Animation Film Award, Fantasia Film Festival 2001
2001 Sitges加泰羅尼亞國際電影節最佳動畫長片
Best Animated Feature Award, Sitges Festival Internacional de
Cinema Fantàstic de Catalunya 2001
Best Animated Feature nomination, Satellite Awards 2004

22/10 | 8:00pm | The One
23/10 | 4:00pm | bc
24/10 | 8:10pm | IFC
28/10 | 9:45pm | bc
3/11 | 7:50pm | IFC