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The Days

康城、柏林得獎導演王小帥首作《冬春的日子》被BBC評為電影 誕生以來一百部佳作之一,更是唯一入選的中國電影。片中他找 來兩位同學:青年畫家劉曉東和喻紅作本色演出,還原當代知識 份子的真實生活,以冷峻的黑白攝影呈現生命中本來就具有的那 份虛無。冬和春同為畫家,自高中時代起已相戀,但日子年復一 年,狹小破敝的臥室裡生活彷彿一池死水。面對越來越功利的社 會,他們不知所措。春暗中計劃拋棄眼下一切,與舊情人遠走高 飛……

Hailed as one of the best 100 films of all time by BBC, Wang Xiaoshuai's 1993 directorial debut THE DAYS depicts the bitter reality of life in contemporary China, focusing on an artist couple portrayed by his art school friends Liu Xiaodong and Yu Hong. Having been lovers since high school, painters Dong and Chun live a monotonous life in a small dormitory room. Their relationship is slowly dying away, and neither of them wants to admit it. Unbeknownst to Dong, Chun is secretly preparing to leave everything behind for a new life abroad with her ex...



中國 China / 1993 / 黑白 B&W / 75 min
國語對白,英文字幕 In Mandarin with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 王小帥 Wang Xiaoshuai
主演 Cast: 劉曉東 Liu Xiaodong, 喻紅 Yu Hong



Official Selection, Berlin Interntaional Film Festival 1994
Golden Alexander Award, Thessaloniki International Film Festival 1994


1/11 | 8:00pm | IFC
6/11 | 2:30pm | bc