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Vegenance Can Wait (Ranbô to taiki)

繼《苦妹‧喪師‧連環圖》(第四屆)後,年輕女作家本谷有希 子的同名劇本搬上銀幕,今趟由《國寶山椒魚》的新晉導演富永 昌敬執導,再聚焦斗室中的四人關係,受盡凌辱都是苦妹。奈奈 瀨與英則沒有血緣關係,卻以兄妹相稱同居一室。某日,番上夫 婦搬到他們附近做鄰居,從此令四人關係產生變化。英則從天花 板的縫隙發現番上背著懷孕的太太與奈奈瀨偷情,自此英則便無 法控制自己,每日也要偷窺樓下,因而引發出一段奇妙扭曲,愛 恨交纏的四角關係。

Director Masanori Tominaga (PANDORA'S BOX) brings Yukiko Motoya's offbeat play to screen in a juicy, neurotic tangle of love, hate and voyeurism. Hidenori (Tadanobu Asano) and Nanase (Minami) have lived together for 10 years in a tense, platonic relationship. The wheels of change are set in motion when married couple Takao (Takayuki Yamada) and Azusa (Eiko Koike) move in downstairs. After Hidenori catches Nanase and Takao having an affair, he becomes obsessed with watching Nanase through a peephole, and planning his cruel revenge..



日本 Japan / 2010 / 彩色Color / 97 min
日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 富永昌敬 Masanori Tominaga
主演 Cast: 淺野忠信 Tadanobu Asano, 美波 Minami, 小池榮子 Eiko Koike,
山田孝之 Takayuki Yamada



24/10 | 6:05pm | IFC
26/10 | 7:50pm | The One