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2006 JVC東京錄影作品節精選
3/10 (Tue) / 7:40pm / bc    
JVC東京錄影作品節是歷史最悠久的國際錄像節之一,是次電影節將選映2006年度的得獎及入圍佳作。中井佐和子的《小羽翼》(大獎/20分鐘)跟拍意外懷孕的高中女生,捕捉她由懷孕、產子以至育兒的不安與樂趣,當中看見一個女性的成長,也看見單親母親的堅強。佐竹真紀的《隔離》(優異獎/11分鐘)把昔日的影像及照片重疊在今日的景象上,把隔離了的記憶拉回現在。岡田信也的《早晨》(優異獎/20分鐘)講感情結冰的夫婦因一些怪事重燃愛火。台灣蔡旭晟的《下雨後》(優異獎/6分鐘)用動畫鋪排的長鏡頭帶領觀眾重返作者的童年光景,亦夢亦真。香港洪智穎的《裝在罐頭裏的絕望》(3分鐘)同樣是動畫作,探索的卻是人與大自然的瓜葛。另一香港代表王琼澍的《新聞背後》(14分鐘)透過一宗家庭慘劇講出記者與被訪者的關係。Nicolas Sauret的《靈性回憶》(19分鐘)則跑到寮國了解當地村民與土地的感情。(全長93分鐘)
The JVC Tokyo Video Festival started in 1978 and is the longest-running international, public-participation video festival in the world. This year, HKAFF would showcase some of the best works from this festival. FLEDGE (The Video Grand Prize/20min) depicts the daily life of a single mother who got pregnant while she was a senior high school student. The film shows her anxiety and joy of being a mother as well as a woman. In INTERVAL (Excellence Award/11min), the director interposes past video images and photos on current images to reproduce memories during her elementary school days, while the couple in OHAYO (Excellence Award/20min) found a new “life” after a series of unexpected events. AFTER THE RAIN (Excellence Award/6min) is a beautiful doll-animation with scenes of rain and images of the childhood of the director Shiu Cheng Tsai. But in the animation CANNED DESPAIR (3min), HK's Hung Chi Wing shows us a personal mythological image of the source of all human life. Another work from HK is Wong King Shu's BEHIND THE NEWS (14min), in which he questions the morals of the mass media through a family tragedy. Nicolas Sauret's MEMORY OF SOULS (19min) is a visit of Laos, where she finds harmony in the land. (Total running time: 93min)