土耳其電影 一百年 從仿荷里活到本土堀起
Movie 電影 |
My Father and Son 我負我兒 |
Info 電影資料 |
土耳其 Turkey / 2005 / 108min / 35mm 土耳其語, 英文字幕 In Turkish with English Subtitles |
Director 導演 |
Cagan Irmak |
Cast 演員 |
Çetin Tekindor, Fikret Kuskan, Humeyra |
土耳其票房紀錄保持者,七十年代,Sadik的父親想兒子當農業工程師,學成後回鄉承繼家族生意,但Sadik生性叛逆,在大學搞政治運動,結果父子因政治分歧而吵翻了。1980年9月12日,土耳其發生軍事政變,Sadik的妻子因臨盆找不到醫生,誕下麟兒後出血過多致死,Sadik也因為激進的文章而被抓入牢,受盡折磨。出獄後,Sadik帶著七歲的兒子Deniz回家,這次因孫子令Sadik父子重修舊好,三代同堂共享天倫。土耳其影視界奇才Çağan Irmak繼2004年《Everything About Mustafa》又一部叫好叫座的商業電影,電影成功的背後,軍事政變和庫爾德工人黨對抗政府的武力鬥爭,仍然持續到今天。
On September 12, 1980, the day of the military coup, Sadik’s wife, unable to reach a hospital because of the curfew, dies while giving birth. Sadik (Fikret Kushan) himself gets arrested and imprisoned for left-wing activities. A few years after his release, Sadik, with his health failing and nowhere else to turn, returns to his hometown with his son to reconcile with his stern estranged father (Çetin Tekindor). A big success at the box office, Cagan Irmak’s moving father-son drama elicits both laughter and tears with its small-town warmth and humor, and the poignant story of a man’s final homecoming after experiencing years of political turmoil.