土耳其電影 一百年 從仿荷里活到本土堀起
Movie 電影 |
The Bandit 教父出冊 |
Info 電影資料 |
土耳其 Turkey / 1996 / 121min / 35mm 土耳其語,英文字幕 In Turkish with English Subtitles |
Director 導演 |
Yavuz Turgul |
Cast 演員 |
Sener Sen, Ugur Yucel, Sermin Sen, Yseim Salkim |
首部土耳其最賣座電影,以荷里活式犯罪電影模式拍攝。傳說中的強盜Baran被囚35年後獲釋,世界發生巨大變化,他的家鄉因建水壩而變得面目全非,隨後,他前往伊斯坦堡,為回報當年被二五仔出賣兼勾二嫂之仇,決定以家法伺候昔日好友。一路上遇上了對上一代黑幫梟雄著迷的小混混,但他得罪了黑幫老大一身蟻,Baran又一力承擔,他的復仇checklist又多一件。《强盜》帶領觀眾穿梭土耳其大街小巷,在兄弟情義與鎗火之間,走不到盡頭的復仇之路,各人都要付上沉重代價,導演Yzvauz Turgul冷眼看土耳其的黑道世界。
The only surviving member of a bandit group, Baran is released from prison after a 35-year sentence. He returns to find his village submerged under water due to the construction of a dam. Making matters worse, Baran is told that his best friend Berfo was the man who stole the bandits’ gold and orchestrated his arrest three decades ago. A fish out of water in a new society, Baran blindly sets off to Istanbul to get revenge and to find his long-lost love. A box office sensation in its home country, this bittersweet action drama was credited as the film that saved Turkish cinema from its long struggle against foreign films.