土耳其電影 一百年 從仿荷里活到本土堀起
Movie 電影 |
Remake, Remix, Rip-Off 移形換影大鬥法 |
Info 電影資料 |
土耳其 Turkey / 2014 土耳其語,英文字幕 In Turkish with English Subtitles |
Director 導演 |
Cern Kaya |
Festival & Award 影展及獎項 |
洛迦諾電影節 Locarno International Film Festival |
Yeşilçam,土耳其的荷里活。六、七十年代是土耳其電影最鼎盛的年代,每年內需外求超過300部作品,出品與當時的荷里活相媲美。可惜內容題材多為通俗劣質居多,未授權的山寨版《占士邦》、《星球大戰》、《E.T》通街都是。隨政局不穩的因素,缺乏資金培訓,拷本保存差,試問電影業如何得以生存。毫無疑問,葉西坎風光不再,博覽群片的影人Cem Kaya,花了七年的時間涉足百部電影,追訪近百名電影人,被訪者份量十足, Metin Erksan Yılmaz Güney現身說法,這部紀錄片可算是為Yeşilçam百年影史近七千部電影的過去、現在和將來留下了一個的註腳,望土耳其電影在沉睡後創出新氣象。
Seven years in the making, Cem Kaya’s vibrant documentary offers an entertaining essay on Turkish popular cinema through the years and the role of “copy culture” in Yesilcam, the Turkish film industry. Through abundant film excerpts and interviews with actors and filmmakers, this documentary revisits the wild heyday of Turkish cinema in the fifties and sixties, back when Yesilcam was producing hundreds of titles annually. Many of these films were blatantly lifted from Hollywood hits and churned out quickly in hackneyed, low-tech fashion. Kaya watched thousands of them, and the hilarious clips he’s compiled are a big highlight of the documentary.