土耳其電影 一百年 從仿荷里活到本土堀起
Movie 電影 |
times & winds 風中的時光 |
Info 電影資料 |
土耳其 Turkey / 2006 / 111min / 35mm 土耳其語, 英文字幕 In Turkish with English Subtitles |
Director 導演 |
Reha Erdem |
Cast 演員 |
Ali Bey Kayali, Elit Iscan, Yigit Ozsener |
有「土耳其電影詩人」之稱的導演 Reha Erdem,以細膩純真的少年角度去對照世故的成人世界,把哀惋的少年時光拍得如詩似畫。故事敘述一個偏遠的小鎮,Omer認為家人只寵弟弟,想用蠍子毒令臥病的父親一睡不起; Yakup暗戀了老師,但老父對自己的夢中情人虎視眈眈時而起殺機,Yildiz為了保護媽媽與妹妹,想弄死繼父,豈料他真的死了!三位熱血青年渴望愛與關注,三番四次想盡辦法非得致父親於死地不可,其實是他們對成長的寂寞和焦慮揮之不去,宗教、禮教、倫理、道德統統成為土耳其兒童成長的制肘。
Three kids at the edge of adolescence lead lives that are as rough as the terrain of their mountainous village in the enthralling Time and Winds. Knowing that his father the village imam prefers his younger brother to him, Omer resolutely wants his father dead. Yakup is secretly in love with his schoolteacher, only to painfully discover that his father also harbors a crush on her. Obligated to take care of her baby brother, Yildiz is a diligent student who grows resentful of her parents when she hears them having sex. A brilliant antithesis to coming-of-age films basked in fuzzy nostalgia, this is a poetic portrait about the pain of growing up and the brutality of adulthood.