首爾星期天 Sund@y Seoul

星期天的首爾,是歌舞昇平?淒清孤寂?還是慾望橫流?8個現代都會的寂寞人,不同年齡不同背景,不約而同在網絡世界碰到,又或是陰錯陽差的在陌生途上撞個滿懷。高中生愛上應召女郎;應召女郎卻愛上已婚警探;高中生隨後遇上家庭主婦;家庭主婦又謀殺了不羈的鄰居;大學教授暗暗攪作地下情,一段師生戀的愛恨糾纏,最終竟要由一部攝錄機解決。作品靈感來自八十年代南韓的娛樂雜誌 “Sunday Seoul”,觀眾一如看著這些小報的讀者,偷窺8個陌生人的感情世界。雖是首齣作品,導演已經氣定神閒,不煽情不嘩眾取寵,簡約而冷靜地呈現了一種高科技產生的都市疏離狀態。


SUND@Y SEOUL delves into an aspect of how the medium that is the internet constructs and dismantles people's lives. There are 8 characters of various ages whose lives gradually intertwine in Seoul, revealing their hidden desires and anxieties. A college professor sets up a hidden camera in a motel room in a desperate attempt to keep going his secret love affair with his student. An ordinary housewife takes a stab at making a sexual breakaway through antisocial and free-spirited neighbor. A high-school student falls in love with a call girl. By chance, he also meets the housewife while chatting on line. The call girl makes love regularly to a married cop. SUND@Y SEOUL peers into their lives objectively.

‧ Special Mention, Dragons & Tigers Award, Vancouver International Film Festival 2004

* Oct 8 (Sat) 4:30pm / bc
* Oct 9 (Sun) 2:20pm / bc
The director will attend the after-screening discussion


南韓 South Korea/ 2004/ 彩色.黑白 Color.B&W/ 35mm/ 72min
韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English Subtitles
導演Dir:吳明勳Oh Myung-hoon
主演Cast:Suh Jung-yeon, Park-ha, Suh Choong-hhik, Yoon Sun-nyuh