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The Butcher, the Chef, and the Swordsman

魯莽屠夫愛上了冷艷的青樓花魁,示愛不遂中途出家做大俠,原 來手上菜刀是絕世神刀,寶刀出鞘,三世宿命一次了斷,引起的 瘋狂效應。廣告片出身的新星導烏爾善,憑獨特的創意和智慧脫 穎而出,與安藤政信、張雨綺、遊本昌、劉樺中日明星大交流, 有荷里活巨頭霍士與名監製加持,《刀見笑》再創中國類型電 影,掀起黑色荒誕武俠喜劇潮,在多倫多影節大放異彩,也為「 亞洲星引力」計劃打響炮。

Presented by BOURNE IDENTITY director Doug Liman, THE BUTCHER, THE CHEF AND THE SWORDSMAN is the latest Chinese martial arts epic to head to the west. Told as a layered series of stories-within-stories, the film concerns a mythical blade and its effect on a motley menagerie of characters. However, this is more KUNG FU HUSTLE than CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON! Director Wuershan pulls out all the stops for this irreverent kung-fu comedy, mixing film stocks, movie genres and narrative gimmicks for an over-the-top, tasty and altogether unexpected bit of midnight movie madness.



香港、中國、美國 Hong Kong, China, USA / 2010 / 彩色 Color / 95 min
國語對白,英文字幕 In Mandarin with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 烏爾善 Wuershan
主演 Cast: 安藤政信 Masanobu Ando, 張雨綺 Kitty Zhang,
游本昌 You Benchang, 劉曉曄 Liu Xiaoye



Official Selection, Toronto International Film Festival 2010
Official Selection, Pusan International Film Festival 2010

29/10 | 9:40pm | IFC
30/10 | 9:50pm | bc