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Starry, Starry Night


  There was once a young girl (CJ7's Josie Xu) who felt alienated from everyone. One day, she befriends a boy as lonely as she is, and they run away to a beautiful world that belongs only to them. Both imaginatively escapist and heartbreakingly realistic, their journey speaks to kids and adults alike with the pain of solitude, the sorrow of loss and the warmth of hope. Based on Jimmy Liao's book, WINDS OF SEPTEMBER director Tom Lin's fanciful film paints in vivid strokes the fears and fantasies of childhood. Just like the heroine, audiences won't forget that summer back when, and its brightest, loneliest STARRY STARRY NIGHT.
台灣 Taiwan / 2011 / 120min / 彩色Colour
國語對白,英文字幕In Mandarin with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 林書宇Tom Lin Shu-yu
主演 Cast: 徐嬌Josie Xu, 劉若英René Liu, 庾澄慶Harlem Yu, 曾江Kenneth Tsang, 林暉閔Eric Lin Hui-min, 桂綸鎂Kwai Lun-mei
Competition, New Current, Pusan International Film Festival 2011
31/10 | 9:40pm | bc
01/11 | 7:20pm | The One