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11 Flowers

被喻為王小帥「自傳三部曲」的第二部,《我十一》是在《青紅》前(即1974至76年間)發生的成長故事,也是在中國四百多萬人內遷大西南移下大三線移民之間的往事見證。那年十一歲,跟隨家人從上海遷移到貴陽的男孩因目睹一宗殺人事件而惹來麻煩,他不明白大人為什麼慌亂煩惱,但在他的眼中,這個世界美麗依舊。這些上山下鄉的三線人家,奉獻青春、家庭和終身為家園不斷建設、為國家幾代不斷改造,上一代留下來的歷史段落由王小帥花十年時間和畢生積蓄來記錄心靈的童謠。《瘋狂的玫瑰》百合奬影帝王景春與《三槍拍案驚奇》閆妮這對父母,攜十一歲男孩劉文卿踏上多倫多電影節旅途,尋找那一段少年成長的回憶。   1975, Guizhou. 11-year-old Wang Han (Liu Wenqing) lives a seemingly carefree life in a rural town. Getting a new shirt and leading gym exercises are the most exciting goings-on in his life until he encounters a runaway murderer in the woods. Wang and his friends agree to keep the fugitive's whereabouts a secret, even when the police show up and strange things start happening. Set in the waning days of the Cultural Revolution, 11 FLOWERS – partly inspired by the director's own childhood – recollects difficult times through innocent eyes that witness crime and consequence without fully understanding their meaning.
中國 China / 2011 / 110min / 彩色Colour
國語對白,英文字幕In Mandarin with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 王小帥Wang Xiaoshuai
主演 Cast: 劉文卿Liu Wenqing, 喬任梁Kimi Qiao, 閆妮Yan Ni
Official Selection, Toronto Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, San Sebastian International Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, Pusan International Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, Tokyo International Film Festival 2011
3/11 | 9:50pm | IFC
5/11 | 7:30pm | IFC