08年新加坡導演邱金海以魔術與親情(第五屆《魔法阿爸》)闖康城,一別三載挑戰日本動畫王國,把漫畫大師辰巳喜弘的自傳漫畫《漂流人生》和短篇故事搬上大銀幕。動畫保留劇画(Gekiga)的原汁原味,彩色和單色的寫實畫風與社會低下層小人物和上班族形成強烈對比,加上辰巳親自聲演,把人性的怪異黑暗面表露無遺。如果人生如戲如漫畫,當辰巳遇上獅城的邱金海,這次crossover對漫畫迷而言可能是一次與別不同的劇画漂流體驗;對日本人而言,《辰巳》獲康城的關注,經歷311震災後更具深層次的意義。 |
Singapore filmmaker and former comic artist Eric Khoo (MY MAGIC) pays loving tribute to legendary mangaka Yoshihiro Tatsumi in a meticulous animated feature that stunningly combines Tatsumi's short stories and life story. Staying faithful to the original comics' aesthetics, the film parallels five of the artist's dark stories of despair, perversion and alienation with different chapters in his life. Tatsumi himself narrates about growing up in postwar Japan, his encounters with Osamu Tezuka and his pioneering of the adult-oriented gekiga genre, providing a fascinating window into the life and works of one of Japan's most influential artists. |
新加坡 Singapore / 2011 / 94min / 彩色Colour
日語對白,英文字幕In Japanese with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 邱金海Eric Khoo
Official Selection – Un Certain Regard, Cannes Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, Melbourne International Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, Vancouver International Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, Pusan International Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, Tokyo International Film Festival 2011 |
20/10 | 9:50pm | The One |
31/10 | 8:00pm | IFC |