如果沒有《海角七號》(第五屆),就没有現在的魏德聖;如果不是《海角七號》狂賣,魏導何來七億元新台幣投資絕對無法開拍的一部史詩片《賽德克巴萊》。信仰彩虹的賽德克族,30年代受盡太陽旗高掛的凌辱,在日本統治下卑躬屈膝,被抹掉紋面的圖騰,但抹不了他們身上流著效忠祖族的熱血。驍勇善戰的頭目莫那魯道率領三百多名族人對抗三千日本皇軍,霧社事件激起其他部落族人群起抗敵的決心,拋頭顱灑熱血,出草獵取敵人的首級非一味血腥,是用生命換來維護民族的尊嚴;原住民大慶、林慶台最原始的演出,智慧與勇氣兼俱。賽德克族與日軍的正面迎戰,下回《彩虹橋》分解! |
Few Taiwan films are more anticipated than Wei Te-sheng’s epic WARRIORS OF THE RAINBOW: SEEDIQ BALE, based on the true story of the 1930 Wushe Incident, when the aboriginal Seediq peoples rebelled against Japanese imperialist forces. Taiwan’s most expensive film ever, SEEDIQ BALE required US$25 million for its lush period detail and riveting action sequences. SEEDIQ BALE PART I sows the seeds for the film’s powerful final conflict, depicting how the Seediq are demoralized and finally reborn by their continued subjugation by the Japanese. Premiering in Taiwan in two parts but playing the Venice Film Festival in a single 156-minute cut, SEEDIQ BALE is presented in its original two uncut parts by the HKAFF. |
台灣 Taiwan / 2011 / 144min / 彩色Colour
賽德克語、台語、國語、日語對白,英文字幕In Seediq language, Taiwanese Hokkien, Mandarin, Japanese with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 魏德聖Wei Te-sheng
主演 Cast: 林慶台Lin Ching-tai, 鄭志偉Cheng Chih-wei, 河源佐武Sabu Kawahara, 田中千繪Chie Tanaka, 安藤政信Masanobu Ando
Official Selection, Venice International Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, Toronto International Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, Vancouver International Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, Pusan International Film Festival 2011 |
23/10 | 7:10pm | IFC |
30/10 / 4.20pm / The One |