楊牧,被稱為「台灣文學的奇萊山」的文學家,詩詞散文浪漫情懷與人文關懷兼備。由女導演溫知儀(短片《片刻暖和》)執導,透過文壇大師的精采故事,用女性細膩內斂的深度出發,拍下文壇大師背後不為人知的秘辛和感動。 |
TOWARDS THE COMPLETION OF A POEM traces the pen of acclaimed poet and essayist Yang Mu, whose writings have greatly influenced Chinese literature over the last forty years. The director spent two years following Yang's unfinished poem from Taipei to Hualian to Seattle, documenting the poet's daily life and exploring the significance of his works through interviews with other writers. |