電影劇本同是改編自九把刀的小說,《戀人絮語》導演尹志文單拖闖台,監製曾志偉親手培訓省話一哥歌王蕭敬騰轉型大銀幕,當只愛栽花不愛殺人的菜鳥殺手歐陽盆栽,與惹火辣妹駭客周秀娜、屍體藝術家張國柱、發死人財的保險經紀馬念先組成「重生」殺手四人組,卻愛上目標林晨晞,唯有殺掉她的過去換來瞞天過海,卻惹來凶殘的冷面佛黃立成下江湖追殺令。一個刺激的忘情KUSO搞笑追殺故事,蕭敬騰這個殺手耍酷耍Man又耍狠勁,殺一個救一個,爽! |
Trevor Ou (singer Jam Hsiao) is the KILLER WHO NEVER KILLS, an assassin who earns the trust of his targets before snuffing their lives – and he does it without killing them! Trevor fakes the deaths of his targets and gives them new identities, but when his first target Grace (Zai Zai Lin, TAIPEI EXCHANGES) returns – and reveals her love for him – Trevor may need to find a more permanent solution. Based on a novel by Giddens (writer-director of YOU ARE THE APPLE OF MY EYE, also showing at 7th HKAFF), KILLER WHO NEVER KILLS is part romance, part satire and all quirky comedy hit. |
台灣 Taiwan / 2011 / 103min /彩色Colour
國語對白,英文字幕In Mandarin with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 尹志文Jimmy Wan、李豐博Lee Fung-Bok@pple
主演 Cast: 蕭敬騰Jam Hsiao, 周秀娜Chrissie Chau, 張國柱Zhang Guozhu,曾志偉Eric Tsang
27/10 | 7:30pm | The One |
29/10 | 9:55pm | IFC |