當黑幫、暴力入侵校園,網路沒私隱,暗戀沒結果,濫藥、援交難禁,家庭問題又一籮籮。在學期結業當天,一班高中生的精神壓力頭痛到快要爆炸了,有人不惜持玩具槍搶劫銀行,引火自焚,什麼才是擁抱他們青春靈魂的靈丹妙藥﹖宛如台灣版《告白》,公視五集迷你劇濃縮為精華版,逐步揭露成長中的殘酷真相,爆炸聲中考驗青少年如何「自療」的EQ智慧。由黃遠、張家瑜、巫建和、紀培慧清新演出好學生壞學生,《一年之初》、《陽陽》導演鄭有傑有話要說。 |
The feature-length edit of the PTS school drama directed by Cheng Yu-chieh (DO OVER) highlights the angst of a group of teenagers on the verge of adulthood. Yuan is a so-called good student with brilliant grades, but he's frustrated by a girlfriend who refuses to have sex with him, and a father who owes a huge debt to the loan sharks. Hung is a so-called bad student, and the day after he meets Yuan, he uses a toy gun to try to rob a bank. When Hung gets out of jail, the two become best friends and partners, and together they rebel against the hypocrisy of the adult world. When they finally realize who is the culprit of their wrecked lives, they get their hands on a real gun and look to do something extreme before their graduation. |
台灣 Taiwan / 2011 / 110min /彩色Colour
國語對白,英文字幕In Mandarin with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 鄭有傑Cheng Yu-chieh
主演 Cast: 黃遠Sean Huang, 巫建和Wu Chien-ho, 紀培慧Teresa Chi
Official Selection, Taipei Golden Horse Fantastic Film Festival 2011 |
23/10 | 2:20pm | IFC |
24/10 | 9:50pm | The One |
30/10 | 7:25pm | IFC |