他是拾荒者(但並非流浪漢),時常出沒在垃圾堆中檢破爛,關注企業落實資源回收的社會責任;他也是愛護流浪動物的善心人士,每天開車到山區餵流浪狗,甚至自發帶牠們去結紮;他更是不折不扣的藝術家,善於化腐朽為神奇,蓋了一間工作室來將廢棄物加工成為藝術品,曾獲得許多藝術創作獎的肯定。他,就是導演王承洋(《生日願望》第七屆)這部不平凡的紀錄片的主人翁,61歲的魏德松──身為退休人士,卻身體力行實踐他的環保理想,希望更多人能反思生活的態度,去愛護我們的土地。 |
Produced by Taipei City Government's Department of Labor, director Wang Cheng-yang's CHERISH tells the extraordinary story of Wei Te-song, a 61-year-old retiree selflessly devoted to life and the environment. His cherishing attitude towards forsaken everyday objects stems from his love for the land, and that's why he's a scavenger, animal lover and eco-friendly artist like no other. Conveying Wei's philosophy of resources redistribution, this thought-provoking documentary depicts his life of recycling "trash," feeding stray dogs and creating pieces of art from recycled materials. |