反日統治的聖戰之門已經開打,賽德克族同時受到其他結怨的部族的侵犯,兩面遭受夾擊;莫那魯道與勇士們血戰到底,為了只是保衛屬於自己的家園和信仰,用鮮血洗滌靈魂,走過光明自由的《彩虹橋》!魏德聖以戰場上的勇士為視角,歷盡12年心血攝製,吳宇森情義相挺,《賽德克巴萊》二部曲氣勢磅礴,透過四小時既寫實且恢宏的戰爭和殺戮場面,重新檢視血淚史之中的人性和民族大義等更深層次的問題。台灣藝人眾志成城,為魏導和台灣電影出錢出力義不容辭,香港亞洲電影節連環上映《太陽旗》、《彩虹橋》,力挺支持! |
The first part of the WARRIORS OF THE RAINBOW: SEEDIQ BALE duology ended with the 1930 Wushe Incident, when the aboriginal Seediq violently rose up against the imperialist Japanese while also reaffirming their proud ancestral identity. Part two depicts the guerilla warfare employed as the Seediq, led by Chief Mouna Rudo (Lin Ching-tai), use Taiwan’s mountains and forests to their advantage. But the Japanese employ modern warfare – airplanes, cannons, tear gas and explosives – to mount their counterattack and the Seediq can only withstand for so long. Topping the critical and commercial success of CAPE NO. 7 would be difficult for Wei Te-sheng, but Taiwan’s top-grossing director meets the challenge head-on with this ambitious and powerful two-part epic. |
台灣 Taiwan / 2011 / 132min / 彩色Colour
賽德克語、台語、國語、日語對白,英文字幕In Seediq language, Taiwanese Hokkien, Mandarin, Japanese with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 魏德聖Wei Te-sheng
主演 Cast: 林慶台Lin Ching-tai, 鄭志偉Cheng Chih-wei, 河源佐武Sabu Kawaharau, 田中千繪Chie Tanaka, 安藤政信Masanobu Ando
Official Selection, Venice International Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, Toronto International Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, Vancouver International Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, Pusan International Film Festival 2011 |
24/10 / 9.35pm / IFC |
30/10 / 7.00pm / The One |