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Season of the Sun

現任東京都知事石原慎太郎在大學時發表的短篇小說,獲第一屆文學界新人賞和日本文壇最高榮譽芥川獎。《太陽的季節》電影版於1956年由古川卓巳搬上銀幕,故事反映了日本戰後,經濟開始復甦,一群富家子弟終日無所事事,只會吃喝玩樂的放蕩頹廢生活。由於故事涉及性、酒、暴力、和女人等大膽議題,在當時社會引起極大的批評,更衍生了「太陽族」一詞。石原慎太郎不單在片中演出一角,本作也是其弟已故巨星石原裕次郎的出道作。   Before he became the governor of Tokyo, Shintaro Ishihara was an Akutagawa Prize-winning novelist whose works about a generation of rebellious youths in post-war Japan (called the “taiyouzoku”) made him a hero of that generation. SEASON OF THE SUN is one of his most popular novels, and it depicts a group of high school students' adventures as they drink, sail, and box their way through life. Nikkatsu Studio, near the point of bankruptcy at the time, scored a major commercial success with SEASON OF THE SUN due to its controversial depiction of sex and violence among youths.
日本 Japan / 1956 / 89min / 黑白B&W
日語對白,英文字幕In Japanese with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 古川卓巳Takumi Furukawa
主演 Cast: 南田洋子Yōko Minamida, Hiroyuki Nagato 長門裕之
2011 Amiens國際電影節參展電影
Official Selection, Amiens International Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, New York Film Festival 2011
4/11 | 8:00pm | The One
10/11 | 9:50pm | bc