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Black Gambler

小林旭主演的人氣《賭博師》系列第六彈,《黑色賭博師》由《瘋狂的果實》導演中平康操刀。第六集講述小林飾演的天才賭徒氷室浩次,以華麗的賭技戰勝國際賭博集團。片中的花樣百出的賭技,可以說是香港風行一時的賭千片始祖。   One of the biggest action stars in Nikkatsu Studio in the early 1960s, Akira Kabayashi starred in multiple film series during his time at the studio. One of them is the GAMBLER series, a James Bond-style action comedy series that saw a total of eight films made in just under two years. THE BLACK GAMBLER is the sixth film of the series, and this time, gambling hero-playboy Himuro Koji is seeking revenge against an international gambling organization using his charm and unparalleled gambling skills.
日本 Japan / 1965/ 86min / 彩色Colour
日語對白,英文字幕In Japanese with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 中平康Ko Nakahira
主演 Cast: 小林旭Akira Kobayashi, 小池朝雄Asao Koike
2011 Amiens國際電影節參展電影
Official Selection, Amiens International Film Festival 2011
12/11 | 6:15pm | bc
17/11 | 9:50pm | bc